Join Arthur in this exciting artistic journey and learn all fundamental skills and methods you need for painting stunning portraits.
In this 8-weeks workshop Arthur will share and explain his award-winning method of alla prima oil painting.
From tools and materials to composition and advanced rendering techniques - well-structured and beginner-friendly learning experience will help you to improve your portraits and deepen your knowledge about oil painting
Receive personal feedback every week or just watch and do assignments at your own pace.

Duration: 8 weeks

Date & Time: Starts Saturday March 30th, every Saturday at 10 AM Eastern Time | YOUR LOCAL TIME

Skill level: All skill levels welcome. It's recommended for students to have basic drawing skills.

Feedback: Receive feedback or spectate without homework critique/guidance. Feedback recordings are uploaded to student's private area between Wed and Fri

Format: Lectures and demos are releasing every Saturday. All lectures and live demos will be available to watch any time as recorded materials

Materials: Complete list will be published on 1st of March
All weeks will be a combination of lecture, demos and feedback.


Q: How long are the sessions?

A: There will be a combination of prerecorded materials and live classes, so the live events will be no longer than 3 hours. At the same time, you will receive weekly materials and assignments to work on. Everything will be recorded so you will not miss a thing.

Q: What happens if I can't attend the live classes?

A: Don't worry. All classes will be available as recordings on the platform.

Q: Which materials I need to participate in the Bootcamp?

A: Recommended list of materials: Learn More.

Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions: [email protected]

About Arthur Gain

Arthur Gain, based in Barcelona, Spain, is a self-taught oil painter with a diverse artistic journey. His works have been showcased in esteemed venues worldwide, including the MEAM in Spain, the Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum in the US, and the Museo La Contea Del Caravaggio in Italy.

Arthur is a winner and finalist of numerous international competitions, including the prestigious BoldBrush Award, finalist multiple times in competitions such as BoldBrush, ModPortrait, and ARC Salon.

Nowadays, Arthur focuses on personal projects and commissions for private and corporate clients. Additionally he continues to share his expertise with a broader audience both offline and online, including professional artists seeking to enhance their skills in oil painting and alla prima technique, as well as students at the Barcelona Academy of Art.
